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Fair and Festivals in Jaipur

Fairs & festivals of Jaipur

Royal city of Jaipur is rich in its culture and tradition. Rajasthan is known for its colorful fairs and festivals. Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, also celebrates many fairs and festival with great enthusiasm. Fairs and festival add colors to the lives of the people. They also serve to be the occasion for the tourists to have the glimpses of culture and tradition of the people.

Ganguar is a prominent festival of Jaipur. The festival is celebrated in the entire state of Rajasthan. Jaipur also celebrated it with gusto and zeal. Ganguar festival is celebrated mainly by the women. Jaipur is also known for its kite festival celebrated on the occasion of Makar Sankranti on 14th of January every year. On the occasion of the festival from children to elderly people take the joy of flying the colorful kites. 

Teej festival is another significant festival of Jaipur. Though the festival is also celebrated in other parts of country, it is the city of Jaipur which gives the festival a charming and colorful look. The festival marks the beginning of monsoon season. The festival honors the goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva. On the occasion of the festival a large procession is taken out from city palaces. The festival also witnesses many religious and cultural programs like dance and music being organized in the city. Elephant festival is another cultural event of Jaipur. It is organized on the occasion of the festival of Holi.

Culture of Kullu

Kullu is a popular tourist destination in Himachal Pradesh. It is also considered as the oldest ancient state after the Kashmir and Kangra valleys. The people of Kullu are known for their simple style of living and hard work. Fairs, festivals, customs, traditions, beliefs, costumes, food form the vital part of culture of Kullu. Customs and rituals followed by the people there display the simplicity of their lifestyle. Fairs and festivals celebrated there are integral part of tradition.
The people of Kullu are essentially close to the Mother Nature.  Most of the people here are famers by occupation. Now some people are also turning to other source of income especially in tourism sectors and handloom industries. Kulu and Manali are known as twin cities. Manali is at a height of 150 meters and lies in north of Kulu valley. Many old temples situated there are fine specimen of architectural sculptures. Kullu is also known for its handicrafts, folk arts, temple carvings. Folk dance and songs are essential part of Kullu culture. Fairs and festivals serve to be perfect occasion for the visitors to have glimpses into the live of the people of Kullu. On the occasion of the fair and festivals the people of Kullu are found performing their folk arts like dance and song. Men and women are found forming a circle and dancing in accompanied with the music band. Nati, Dhili Nati, Pheti Nati etc are some of popular kinds of folk dance of the people of Kullu. People of Kullu usually wear the warm clothes as climate there remains cool for the most time of the year.  Men of Kullu used to wear Chola, dora, suthan, topa etc; now they are also changing with time and are more inclined to wear modern dresses. 

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History Of Kullu

Kullu Valley
 Kullu is a famous tourist destination in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. Earlier known as Kullantipeetha, the town of Kullu has its several references in Ramayana, Mahabharata and other Hindu scriptures. Kullu is regarded as the oldest state valley after Kashmir and Kangra valley. According to Mythology Manu landed at a place in the Kullu region and lived there the next some days. That particular place of his abode is presently known as Manali which is believed to be come from the name Manualaya which literally means the home of Manu.

Kullu valley was once a significant place for Buddhist. It once contained a Buddhist Stupa built by Ashoka. The region also was home to twenty Buddhist monasteries with more than one thousand monks. There were also some fifteen Hindu temples which suggest that the people of both communities were coexisting there peacefully.

Prior to the rule of British the region was under the control of Pal dynasty who revered the goddess Hidimba. Presently the goddess is worshipped as the main deity of the region. It was in 1846 that the region was annexed to British kingdom. British continued to rule the region until India got independence in 1947. After the independence Kullu earlier was the subdivision of Kangra district. In the year 1963 Kullu was made a separate district. Kullu was earlier in Punjab state and it was in the year 1966 that Kullu was included in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

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Culture Of Kozhikode


Kozhikode is the third largest city in Kerala state in India Malayalam language is the main language used in the city. A good progress has been made in Malayalam literature. The main business area of the city is Mittai Theruvu (Sweet Meat Street), Halwa is a famous sweet of this city. Sadva the vegetarian dish and Biriyani a non vegetarian dish are very famous of this area. Crisp and wafer thin banana chips of Kozhikode are famous. Now Kozhikode is the major trade hub of North Kerala and well connected to the neighboring states and many destinations through Kerala State Road Transport Corporation.

A trip to Kozhikode can be an exciting tour one can discover many aspect of its rich culture. A fine martial art form Kalaripayattu originated here for self defense during olden days, when masters of this art form were used in warfare techniques. The training in this art requires careful ayurvedic and Kalari treatments for body toning. Now this art form is used to display the cultural richness with music and dance. The olden days center of trade Kozhikode was well known for its ‘Uru Making’ or Shipbuilding Art, now the local craftsman makes miniature models of boat as a custom.

Culture of Kolhapur

Culture of Kolhapur
Kolhapur is rich in its cultural heritage. The city is known for its life style, language, outfits and tradition. People of Kolhapur are known for their generous spending of money on their extravaganza life-style. At the same time they are very kind hearted though they are superficially not seen so in their use of language which contains some words which is considered to be rude in other parts of state. But they use it so simple and easily that it does not have any effect on the dignity. Marathi is the widely spoken language of Kolahpur while the use of Hindi and English is also done by few people.

Kolaphuri Pheta (turban) is a part of traditional outfit of men of Kolhapur. Wearing a Pheta is considered as prestigious there. Offering Pheta to the guests is common custom of the people of Kolhapur. Another special thing about the city of Kolhapur is its Kolhapuri Saaz

It is the special ornament worn by the women of Kolhapur. Beautifully designed jewelry adds the beauty of the women wearing it. Kolhapuri Chappel (a sort of foot wear) is world famous. These are made from the leather and are known for their beautiful design and long life. 

Kolhapur is widely known for its wrestling game. It has produced several renowned wrestlers. The Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj who himself was a good wrestler is credited for giving the patronage to this traditional sport during his rule. Lavani is special type of classical dance performed with typical songs. Lavani is considered to be a folk dance of the state of Maharashtra. It was earlier performed in Tamasha (a sort of folk drama). Lavani is still popular in Kolhapur and other parts of the state.

History of Kolhapur

History of Kolhapur
According to mythology, Kolhapur which is situated on the banks of Panchganga River in the state of Maharashtra is the same place where a demon called Kolhasur was killed by the goddess Mahalakshami. It is said that that as per the wish of this dying demon the town was named after him. Kolhapur was a major Buddhist destination during 6th century. It is also believed that Amoghavarsha Nrupathunga the king of Rashtrakuta dynasty cared a lot for his subject and once sacrificed his finger to goddess Mahalakshami of Kolhapur in order to avoid impeding calamity on his people. During the period from 1140 to 1212 Kolhapur was the capital place of Silhara dynasty. An inscription found at Teradal mentions that Gonka the king of Silhara dynasty was once healed from snakebite by a Jain monk and that led to the king’s establishing Neninath temple there. Several other Jain temples were built during next two centuries. 

Kolhapur became the place of confrontation between western Chalukaya and Chola kings. Rajendra Chola successfully marched on the region and built there Vijay Stambha (Victory pillar). Kolhapur was rule by several dynasties till the time of Maratha rule. During Maratha rule Kolhapur was being ruled by Bhosale dynasties. Rani Shrimati Anandibai Raje Saheb of Kolhapur kingdom adopted the Yashavantrao Ghatge who was the eldest son of Appasaheb Ghatge (Chief of Kagal). This adopted son was made Chhatrapati of princely state of Kolhapur. He came to be known as Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj who is known for his progressive thoughts and his benevolent rule. He ruled Kolhapur princely state from 1894 to 1922 and during these 28 years of his rule Kolhapur witnessed many social, economical and cultural reforms. For his great work in the social and cultural arena he is considered one of the greatest kings of India. After the independence of India, the princely state of Kolhapur was merged into Bombay presidency which was later in 1960 divided in two states Maharashtra and Gujarat. Kolhapur was then made separate district of Maharashtra state. It is noteworthy here that Kolhapur film industry was one of earliest film industries in India. The Marathi film industry was born as early as in 1920s and had produced many Marathi films in that period.
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History of Kozhikode

 Kozhikode is a major city of Indian state of Kerala.The history of Kozhikode is long and properly recorded. From olden times there has been influx of traders and travelers. It has trade links with China, Jews, Arabs and Phoenicians. The traders from outside preferred Kozhikode (Calicut) as it provided full freedom and security to the outside traders. Ma Huang a Chinese Muslim sailor has noted that about 20 to 30 mosques were built in Calicut for the Muslim traders to pray. Kozhikode was known as the city of spices, it was a big trading market for items like black Pepper, Cardamom, other spices, Lac, Ginger, Myrobalans and Zedary. 

Many traders account has appreciated Calicut, its traders and the arrangements at Calicut. During the times of Zamorins rule before Britshers took over Kozhikode was the capital of Malabar. Vasco-da-Gama was the first European to land in Kozhikode at kappad port in May 1498. The accounts of city can be had from the recorded diaries of various travelers like Ibn Battuta from 1342 to 1347, Ma Huang of China from 1403. Abdur Razzak from 1442 – 1143.  Niccolo-de-conti from Italy after 1445. The Russian Afanasy Nikitin and other Italian trvellers like Ludovico di varthema etc. Kozhikode was once a cotton weaving center it was known for its calico cloth... In 1765 Ali Hyder the ruler of Mysore invaded Kozhikode and destroyed it. Now Kozhikode is an important business town of Karnataka. According to a study Kozhikode is the second best city in India to live in and it is eleventh in rank among other cities in job creation in India.                                                                                                      

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Tourist Place in Hubli

Hubli is important place in the state of Karnataka and  the headquarter of the South Western Railway Zone and is also one of the key producers of cotton and peanuts in the country. There are many tourist places in and around Hubli.

Nuggikeri Hanuman Temple :
Nuggikeri Hanuman Temple is an ancient and one of the most visted place in Dharwad. Devotees come from  different  regions to this temple. On Saturdays the crowd is more as it is the vishesha divasa (special day) for Hanuman. The temple gives devotion and selflessness.              

Unkal Lake and the Bund Garden :
Beautiful water spot in Hubli and is about 110 years old with a magnificent sunset view. People of all ages relax forgetting their worries.Boat ride and many of the attractions make this lake perfect picnic destinations. Belgaum to Ukal Lake road distance is only  92 kms.

Nrupatunga Betta :
Nrupatunga Betta is an ideal beautiful picnic spot which is about 6 km from the railway station. While on your tour to Hubli you can enjoy a few of your resting moments in the picnic spot in Unkal Hill in Hubli.

Glass House Garden :
The Glass House, one of the oldest parks in the city. his glass house was inaugurated by the late Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi. Laughing Club was inaugurated at this garden on 22-04-2000. Thousands of people are participating in laughing exercise, half an hour in the morning, enjoying good health and sound mind, free of cost. The main attraction of the newly developed the Glass House is a toy train, manufactured by Mysore Railway workshop. The toy train, consisting of four bogies and an engine, has already arrived at the park.

Siddharodh Math :
Shri Siddaroodha Swamy resided after 1882 and who was born in 1836.It is the eminent religious institution in Karnataka state, a centre of Advaita philosophyas preached by Swami Siddaroodha.

Sykes Point :
Sykes Point is a famed sightseeing attraction and picnic spot located 84 km from Hubli, Karnataka beautiful view of the sunset  and Nagajhari River are the attraction for tourist.

Culture of Khajuraho

The Khajuraho group of monuments is based in Chattarpur district of Madhya Pradesh state of India. Considered in the list of seven wonders of India they are in the World Heritage Sites announced by UNESCO. From the initial about 60 temples built during 10Th to 12Thcentury AD, now only about 25 temples remain in a respectable fashion and hence can be appreciated.  The explicit sexual matter has not been depicted inside the temples but it finds the place on the exteriors of the temple walls. Also only 10% of the carvings show sexual scenes other sculptures depict everyday life of the common peoples of those times, like women putting on makeup, Potters, Musicians, Farmers and other peoples. All these carvings are at some distances from the Temple deities.
 The temples are now nicely decorated in parkland landscape. It has a public park type look with mowed grass, rose beds and ornamental trees, earlier it was in a state of neglect with landscape setting as a semi desert and scrub. Every evening professional light and sound show is held in the lawns of the temple complex, both in English and Hindi language, of one hour each, the show gives the history, Philosophy and the art of sculpting these temples.The Khajuraho dance festival is held every year in the month of February / March. The programmers arrange top Indian classical dance and music shows. Many Indian as well as Foreign tourists visit Khajuraho then, and appreciate the Indian arts in the backdrop of Chitragupta or Vishwanath Temples. Recently The Archaeological Survey of India has discovered a site which is coming up as the largest underground temple in Khujraho. The digging of the site has begun and will take a couple of years to complete.

History of Khajuraho

Khajuraho is an Indian town in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh state. It is located about 620 Kms south east of New Delhi. Khajuraho is one of the most important tourist destinations in India and a definite must have in your tour itinerary to Madhya Pradesh. The natives of Khajuraho are Bargujar Rajputs called as Bundelas or Chandelas. Chandelas lived here from 10TH to 12TH century their capital was at Kalinjar. The temples of Khajuraho about 80 in numbers were built in 200 years from 950 to 1150 AD. The natives knew about the temples but did not share the secret with others. They tried to keep the temples as best as they could keep but forests took the toll and about 55 temples have been lost. An English man learnt about these temples in 19Th century by then all the monuments had been lost. A British engineer T.S.Burt was the first engineer to explore the site. Later General Alexander Cunningham was appointed by Archaeological Survey of India for excavation and restoration of these temples. These temples are constructed in sand stone and have been named World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Khajuraho is well connected with Kanpur and Lucknow and few more cities of Madhya Pradesh.
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Culture of Udaipur

Udaipur Culture
Udaipur is a beautiful city in the western part of Rajasthan state of India. Nick named as the Lake City it is known as the Venice of the East. Because of its scenic beauty and calm and tranquil atmosphere the city is very famous tourist destination for Domestic as well as foreign tourist. Many Indian film stars and business families select Udaipur for celebrating marriages and for other parties and celebrations. The famous palaces of the city are Jag Niwas Palace, Dilkhush Mahal, Seesh Mahal, Moti Mahal, Krishna Vilas palace. Many palaces have been converted into heritage hotels like The Lake Palace Hotel, Shiv Niwas Palace Hotel and the Fateh Prakash Palace Hotel. There are many places to be seen in Udaipur some of them are Jag Mandir, Sajjan Garh Palace (known as Monsoon Palace), Jagdish Palace, Jag Mandir (claimed to be the inspiration to Shahjahan for creation of the Taj Mahal) Fateh Sagar Lake (has Asia’s only solar observatory, the Udaipur Solar Observatory), Lake Pichola, Saheliyon Ki bari, Gulab Bagh and Zoo and Doodh Talai, Many Hindi films and songs were filmed at various palace locations and other scenic spots in the city, also many Bollywood films were shot in Udaipur. The city is also the location for Many Hindi as well as foreign TV serials. 
Major languages spoken at Udaipur include Mewari, Rajasthani, Hindi and English. Majority of the residents of Udaipur follow Jainism and Hinduism, while other religions such as, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism etc. are also followed here. Typical Rajasthani cuisine such as Dil Jani, Daal-Baati-Choorma, Gatte-Ki-Sabzi, Mirchi Bada, Kachori, Bhujia, Mathri, Khatta-Meetha Sev, Daal-Moth, Tarfini, Raabdi, Bail-Gatte, Panchkoota Imarti, Ghevar, Feeni, Besan Chakki, Balusahi, Dilkhushaal, Jhajariya, Palang Torh, Milk-Cake, Kicha Ki Sabji, Moranga Ki Sabji, Guwar Fali Ki Saag, Gajar Ki Sabji, Badi, Ker-Saangri Ki Sabji, Papad Ki Sabji, Pyaaz Paneer, Sev Tamatar, Dal Chawal Kutt, Lauki Key Koftey, Dahi Mein Aloo, Rabori Ki Sabji, Chaavadi, Laapsi, Boondi, Mohan Maans, Laal Maans, Safed Maans, Saanth Ro Achaar, Khad Khargosh, Bajri Ki Raab can be relished at Udaipur.

Udaipur is reckoned for its expertise in art & crafts including exquisite woodcraft, traditional batik, hand prints & bandhani clothes, dyed saris, turbans, handicrafts, pottery items, wooden toys, puppets, miniature paintings of Rajput, Mughal, Mewar, Jodhpur, Jaipur & Kangra style, silk, wood, paper, marble & ivory paintings, pichwais, phads, wall hangings, hand carved wooden screens, cloth lanterns, pen stands, painted wooden boxes, handmade papers, greeting cards, different kinds of containers, brassware & terracotta sculptures, precious stones, latticework or jail, silver jewelry, kundan, metal inlay furniture, marble handicrafts, house hold item & other antique items. The must do things at Udaipur constitute Horse Back Riding, Camel Riding, Puppet Show, Theater Show, Cultural Festivals, Guided Tours & Ropeway Journeys.

History of Udaipur

Udaipur History

Udaipur was founded in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh II as the final capital of the erstwhile Mewar kingdom, located to the southwest of Nagda, on the Banas River, the first capital of the Mewar kingdom. Legend has it that Maharana Udai Singh II came on a hermit while hunting in the foothills of the Aravalli Range. The hermit lucky the king and asked him to build a palace on the spot, assuring him it would be well protected. Udai Singh II consequently established a residence on the site. In 1568 the Mughal emperor Akbar captured the fort of Chittor, and Udai Singh moved the capital to the site of his residence, which became the city of Udaipur.

is known as the city of lakes. Udaipur is famous for its Lakes, History, cultures and its Palaces. The lake Palace on the Pichola Lake, Other lakes are Fate Sagar Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, Swaroop Sagar Lake. Maharana Udai Singh II established Udaipur as the capital city of Mewar Kingdom. As Udaipur is a mountainous terrain it remained unconquered by the British. The royal Family of Udaipur remained independent and safe from mughal influence. The royal Rajvansh of Udaipur is the oldest living family of the world. The kingdom of Nepal and Jammu has a direct link with Udaipur Dynasty
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Culture of Hubli

Hubli which is always known with the city of Dharwad shares many common features in terms of culture and lifestyle. Hubli is a major center for trade and commerce in Karnataka whereas Dharwad is known as a center for education, art and culture. In that sense lifestyle in Hubli moves with a fast pace compared to Dharwad. 

The culture in Hubli reflects a blend of Kannada and Marathi culture. People speak Kannada (peculiar to North Karnataka belt), Marathi, Hindi and English. They have exchanged many things with the Marathi culture such as language, food, architecture, music and mannerisms. The population of Hubli consists of Muslims, Gujaratis and also Marwari community. Naturally Hubli reflects a mixed culture. Lingayat community dominates this region. People of Hubli are simple, and straightforward. Most of them are agriculture based and are known to be little rough compared to the people of Bangalore and Mysore

The cuisine of Hubli consists of Jower Roti, lentils and rice in a way that is typical of North Karnataka belt. Hubli has witnessed a few communal clashes, and it has been a major center for political activities since Independence. Hubli along with Dharwad has cherished a constant flow of Hindustani classical music. Singers of national and international fame have visited and stayed in this city. Gangubayi Hangal, Basavaraj Rajguru, Pandit Sawai Gandharva, D. R Bendre ( Jnana Peetha award winner), Dr. Mallikarjun Mansur, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi are some of those famous people who have brought fame to Hubli. 

Kundgol, a village near Hubli hosts a Music Festival every year in the memory of Shri Sawai Gandharva. Sawai Gandharva (a famous vocal singer and stage actor of Marathi; a disciple of Abdul Karim Khan) was born in Kundgol.

History of Hubli

  The historical background of Hubli (known along with Dharwad as twin cities in the State of Karnataka) is of hundred years old. It was a part of the Vijayanagara Empire, and later of Marathas and Mughals.
In the past Hubli was an Agrahara managed by 200 Mahajans. It was known as Purballi earlier. It was under the Vijayanagara rule for over a period of time during when the place took prominence as a center for cotton growers. The Mughals took over the area and Hubli came under the direct administration of the Savanur Nawabs. At that time of History, the city took modern form under the supervision of a trader called Basappa Shetty. He built the present day Durgadabail which is a market center now. The Marathas re-entered the city during the British rule by Sangli Patwardhan. In the year 1880 a Railway workshop was built here.
Inscriptions at Bhavani Shankar temple convey that the region comprising Hubli was under the Chalukya rule around 1068 AD. Later the East India Company had established a factory here to convert the place into a trade center. The Marathas destroyed it.  The Savanur rulers (local rulers) built a fort in Hubli. It is a market center now. Bhavani Shankar temple is an important historical monument of Hubli dating back to the Chalukya rule. Chandramauleshwara temple is another ancient monument to be found in Unakal near Hubli which records the rule of Chalukya dynasty in the region. Hubli has come under the influence of the Veershaiva movement (a socio-cultural movement in the 12t and 14th centuries). After independence Hubli has grown into a major industrial center in Karnataka after Bangalore.
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Culture of Nasik

Culture of Nasik
Nasik is a major pilgrimage center of Hindu in India. Located on the banks of Godavari River, the city of Nasik is rich in its history and culture. The city serves to be a perfect blend of its traditions and modernity. Most of the people living here are Marathi belonging to Hindu religion. Along with the people of Hindu the people of other religion like Muslim, Buddhism, Christian, etc are also found here. Marathi is the widely spoken language in the city while Hindi and English are also spoken by some people. 

Nasik celebrates all major national festivals with much pomp and show. Dewali, Dussera, Id-ul fitra, Christmas etc are some of the important festivals celebrated in the city with much fanfare. Nasik also serves to one of holy places for the famous Kumbha Mela. Rath Yatra and Makar Sankrati are other major cultural events of Nasik celebrated with great enthusiast in the city. In the past Nasik witnessed its people wearing traditional outfits. Men of Nasik in the past used to wear Dhoti and Pehta while women used to wear the Lugada (a sort of traditional sari) and Choli. Now these kinds of traditional attires are rarely seen in the city. Over the years the people especially young ones have adopted themselves to the modern way of dressing and living. 

Tamasha used to be the prominent means of entertainment of the people of Nasik. Tamasha is folk kind of Drama. It is now rapidly losing its charm and is on the verge of extinction. It is seen being performed only in the rural parts of Maharashtra. Lavani song which used to be played largely in Tamasha is still popular among the people of Nasik and Maharashtra as a whole. When it comes to cuisine Nasik serves its visitors wide varieties of food dishes along with the traditional dishes of Maharashtrian.

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