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History of Manali

Manali History           
          Manali is a beautiful hill station in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. The town of Manali has its references in several Hindu scriptures. According to myths after the great flood which devastated whole of the world, a Hindu sage called Manu landed on the earth at Manali to recreate the human life. Thus the region where he had landed came to be known as Manu -Alaya which literally means the abode of Manu. Manali is the changed name of Manu-Alaya. Old town of Manali also houses a temple dedicated to Manu.  
        Modern history of Manali goes back to the time of the British rule. It was British who transformed this pastoral land into a beautiful hill station.  British in India made Manali their summer resort. They found the climate of Manali conducive to produce apples and therefore they planted there apple orchards on large scale. Under the rule of British Manali witnessed a large scale development. After the independence of India, Manali was further developed as a beautiful tourist spot. At present Manali is among the most preferred tourist destinations in India.
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Culture of Patna

Patna located in Bihar state of India is a historically old city dating back to Vedic times. Though the geographically the city is located in Magadh region of the state, The Buddhist,Hindu,and Jain pilgrims centres of Vaishali, Rajgir, Bodhgaya are nearby Patna.The residents of Patna are also from  other four  regions of Bihar (Bhojpur, Mithila, Vajj and Ang),  But due to intermarriages and intermixing among each other nowadays it is difficult to isolate one from the other. The family orientation is Patna is essentially religion based. The people are generally family based where family interest is always individual interest.

People generally have large family, though now family planning is propagated to contain population. Many talented people have migrated elsewhere for better openings. Marriages in Patna are generally arranged ones.  Marriage time is generally celebration time for all. Bright clothing Jewellery and flowers are essential part in a marriage. It is a most enjoyable time for everybody with big celebrations, big expenses and great feasting.  Staple food of Patna is Khichdi served with Curd, Chutney, Pickles, Papad, Ghee and Cohkha (boiled mashed and seasoned potatoes). Other delicacies of Patna are Khaja, Motichoor Ka Ladoo, Kala Jamun, Kesri peda etc. paan of Patna are also famous. There are many shopping malls in Patna.

Culture of Gwalior

Culture of Gwalior
        Gwalior has a rich cultural heritage. It is near Agra and a part of Bundelkhand. The city with its historical monuments (forts and royal mansions) reflects a blend of Bundelkhand culture and Braj cultures. Bundelkhand signifies a cultural region comprising of a larger part of Madhya Pradesh. Some part of it is even spread over Uttar Pradesh. The area was ruled by the Chedi rulers and is known for its folk culture. Braj comprises some part of the Uttar Pradesh State (Agra, Mathura, and Bharatpur). Braj culture is associated with Krishna cult. Gwalior comes under Bundelkhand region. But, the present day culture has been a mixture of the Braj and Bundelkhand culture. Hindi is the main spoken language here. 
     This fusion of culture could be seen through the prevailing art and activities of the region. Folk dance and music have been a part of Gwalior. Gwalior is the home for the Gwalior Gharana and the Drupad Gharana of music. Tansen, one of the Nine Jewels who adorned the Royal court of Akbar was buried here. He was a great singer. The tomb of Tansen is a tourist spot in Gwalior. Another singer of much fame Baiju Bawra also lived here during the Tomar rule. 
       Ahiri dance (practiced by the followers of Krishna), Baredi dance of Bundelkhand, Saharia dance, Dul- Dul Gori dance are some of the popular folk dances that is being practiced in Gwalior. The area has given birth to two folk poets namely Jagnik and Ghag. Recently, in 2005 a local sculptor named Aasutosh Panigrahi won international acclaim for his mural design by the Guinness book of World records. 
       The cuisine of Gwalior is mainly a mixture of Marathi and Mughal flavors. Morena Gajak (a sweet made of sesame seeds and sugar), and Moong Dal ki Halwa are the main sweet dishes to be tried in Gwalior.

History of Gwalior

History of Gwalior
        Gwalior city has a rich historical and cultural heritage of its own. The city was ruled by Tomars, Pratihars, and the Kachwaha dynasty; and also by the Mughals, Marathas and the Scindiyas. 
       During the Iron Age this area was known as Gopadri. But, it was only around 7th and 8th century the formation of Gwalior city took place. Gwalior was founded by a prince belonging to the Kachwaha dynasty around 8th century. The Gwalior fort was built by the same prince Suraj Sen. Popular stories tell that the prince was cured by a sage named Gwalipa for leprosy and hence built the fort in honor of the sage. 
        Later the Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, and Marathas occupied the region. The Tomar dynasty had ruled over Gwalior in the middle ages. The Tomar king Raja Man Singh encouraged art and architecture of the region. As a result the Gujari Mahal and Man Mandir Palace were built here during that period. The Scindiyas of Gwalior were British loyalists for a period of time.  But, Scindiyas supported the Sipoy Mutiny (1857) against the British. After Independence they merged with the Indian Union. 
         The history of Gwalior is incomplete without mentioning the majestic Gwalior Fort. According to Babar, the founder of Mughal Empire in India,Gwalior Fort is the most precious gem in India.It was Suraj Pal ,the Kachawah prince who founded the Gwalior Fort in 525 AD on Gopachal mountain. This fort has witnessed the change of fortune of several dynasties.During the reign of the Great Tomar King , Man Singh(1486-1516) the fort was greatly invincible.The fort was also conquered by the Mughal emperor Babar .After the fall of Mughals ,in 1754 Scindhia (Maratha )took possession of Gwalior.

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Fair and Festivals in Kolhapur

Fairs and Festivals of Kolhapur
        Kolhapur known for its rich culture and traditions celebrates several festivals with much pomp and show. Along with major national festivals like Diwali, Dussera, Holi etc the city of Kolhapur hosts many other festivals and cultural events with much fanfare. Celebrated at the famous temple of Kolhapur Mahalakshami Mandir, Kiran Utsav (festival) is one of the most prominent festivals of Kolhapur. Mahalakshami Mandir is the most sacred temple of the city and is the venue of many other important religious events. The festival of Navratri witnesses the lakhs of devotees thronging to the temple of Mahalakshami to pay homage to the goddess.  Jyotiba Yatra is a major fair held at nearby hill of Panhala in Kolhapur. The fair is attended by thousands of pilgrims from across the state. Festival of Ganesh is another major festival celebrated on wide scale in the city. 
         Other than these religious festivals and fairs Kolhapur also hosts many other cultural events like Kolhapur Rankala Mahotsav, Boat Roving competition and wrestling competitions.  Celebration of Rankala Mahotsav includes stage performance by many distinguished artists. The festival also witnesses many other cultural events and shows displaying arts and talents. Kolhapur also hosts another interesting event of boat racing in Panchganga and Krishna rivers. As the Kolhapur is famous for its wrestling sport, the city witnesses many wrestling competitions round the year.

Fair and Festivals in Nasik

Fairs and Festivals of Nasik
Kumbh Mela in Nasik, Maharashtra,India
          Nasik, situated on the banks of the river of Godavari in the state of Maharashtra, is prominent pilgrimage center in India.  The city of Nasik is rich in its culture. It celebrates all major national festivals of the country with much pomp and show.  But there are some fairs and festivals which Nasik celebrates on large scale and for which the city of Nasik is known.

         Kumbh Mela is one of most prominent Hindu fair held every three years, rotating among four places Haridwar, Ujjain, Aallahbad and Nasik. Purna (full) Kumbh Mela is held once in twelve years at one of these four places. Maha Kumbh Mela comes after twelve such Purna Kumbh Melas (after 144 years) in Allahabad. It is attended by lakhs of devotees from across the country and outside. Next Kumbh Mela at Nasik will be held in the year 2015 from August 15 to September 13.

          Rathyatra is another major religious event in Nasik. It is celebrated on the occasion of Janmotsav festival which is celebrated from the first day of Chaitra to the full moon day of that month. Chariots in which idols of lord Rama and his wife Sita are placed are moved in the city. The Rathyatra is attended by thousands of devotees from far and wide. Makar Sakranti is another festival celebrated with full zest in Nasik.

History of Patna

Patna is the capital of the Bihar state in India. Patna has been in the center of Indian politics from the times of India’s War of Independence after India’s independence it has come up as a most populous city of eastern India after Kolkata. Patna is not mentioned in ancient scriptures like Ramayana and Mahabharat. It finds its first mention during the times of Mahaveer Jain and Gautam Buddha about 2500 years ago. Lord Gautam Budha had passed through this city during his last days on this earth. The past record of Patna is available from the year 490 BC. From then on the name Patna has been changed many times and has a record of an unbroken history. It was known as Pataligram, Palibothra, Pushpapura, Pataliputra, Kusumpur and Azimabad at different times. At different times in its 2500 years journey Patna was ruled by different dynasties, each of them significantly contributing to the city’s development.

Earlier rulers were of Haryanka Dynasty which was overthrown by Nanda Dynasty. Then the Maurya Dynasty took over the rule. Patliputra was the center of learning fine arts during Maurya period. During the British rule Patna was a center of International trade. It was named as the capital of Orissa in 1912. Later in 1935 a Separate Orissa state of Orissa was formed with its separate capital. Afterwards when Bihar state was formed Patna became its capital.
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Siddharth Garden

Siddharth garden has large areas of grass flanked by shurbs and trees are fantastic to watch hence it is a favorite picnic spot of the local visitors and tourists in Aurangabad, Maharashtra.The Municipal Corporation of Aurangabad established it in 1984 and spread over around 17 acres.After 1990 garden changes it's look under guidline of Central Zoo Authority.

Main attractions in the garden ::

1) Zoo: It has a large variety of animals like Lions, Tigers (White & Bengal), elephant, and Leopards, Crocodiles, Jackal,Civet and bird like peacock.
  There is also a Vasundhara cinema theater for provide information about wild life which established in 1995.

2) Snake Park: Most of the pople stayed away and fear from these dangerous critters but in this park central zoo authority established
a snake park which has 15 species of snake like python,russel viper,cobra,and more..

3) Aviary : Aviary is developed in 1995 as per central zoo authority.Now here we can see eight spices of water bird i.e. spoon bill,flamingo,strop,etc.

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Tourist Places in Udaipur

Udaipur is known as the lake city and it was the former capital of Mewar dynasty. The city is around 403km away from Jaipur and around 260km away from Ahmedabad. The city is known by its lakeside palaces. It is a small city.
In 1559 Maharana Udai Singh of Sisodia dynasty made Udaipur as his capital. The independent, free minded rulers of Mewar have shown courage against the British during the colonial era.During the accession of princely states after independence, even Udaipur merged into the Government of India and became a part of Rajasthan. In Udaipur most Popular fabulous and exciting tourist places this are...

City Palace :-
City Palace, Udaipur City Palace towers over the Pichola Lake.
Maharana Uday Singh initiated in the construction of the palace but succeeding Maharanas added several palaces and structures to the complex retained a surprising uniformity to the design.The entry to the Palace is from the Hati Pol, the Elephant gate.The Bari Pol or the Big gate brings you to the Tripolia, the Triple gate. It was once a custom that the Maharana would weigh under this gate in gold and silver, which was distributed to the populace. It is also now the main ticket office. Balconies, cupolas and towers surmount the palace to give a wonderful view of the lake.

Suraj Gokhada or the balcony of the sun is where the Maharana would grant public audiences mainly to boost the morale of the people in difficult times. The Mor Chawk is the peacock square and gains its name from the vivid blue mosaic in glass of a peacock that decorates its walls.

City Palace, Udaipur main part of the palace is now preserved as a museum displaying a large and diverse array of artefacts. Down steps from the entrance is the armoury museum exhibiting a huge collection of protective gear, weapons including the lethal two-pronged sword. The City Palace museum is then entered through the Ganesh Deori meaning the door of Lord Ganesh.

Lake Pichola : -

Lake Pichola, Udaipur Pichola Lake derives its name from Pichola Village was submerged and Maharana Udai Singh enlarged the lake after he founded the city. He built a masonry dam known as Badipol and lake is now 4 km long and 3 km wide. This picturesque lake encloses the Jag Niwas Island and the Jag Mandir. And, the City Palace extends along its eastern banks.

City Palace Museum :-
City Palace Museum, Udaipur main part of the palace is now preserved as a museum displaying a large and diverse array of artefacts. Down steps from the entrance is the armoury museum exhibiting a huge collection of protective gear, weapons including the lethal two-pronged sword. The City Palace museum is then entered through the Ganesh Deori meaning the door of Lord Ganesh.

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