June 1, 2012

Sindhu Darshan Festival

  India, the land of different cultures and religions, hosts Sindhu Darshan Festival every year at Leh of Ladakh district in Jammu and  Kashmir state. The festival is organized on the banks of the river Sindhu in the month of June. The three day long festival is an event to showcase the different cultures of India coming together and thus displaying India’s unity in its diversity. The festival is held on the banks of Sindhu River also known as river Indus which is presented at the occasion as a symbol of communal harmony among people of different religion and cultures.

Ever since the inception of Sindhu Darshan Festival way back in 1997, the festival has gained worldwide popularity with thousands of tourists from different parts of the world attending it every year.  Celebration of the Sindhu Darshan Festival is an indeed proud moment for Jammu and Kashmir state. It serves to be an occasion when people belonging to different religion, cultures and different parts of India are seen showcasing their folk arts, dance, music and thereby displaying multi dimensional cultures of the country. On the occasion of the festival people bring water from different rivers of their regions in earthen pots and pours it into Indus River thus symbolizing the multi cultures of India merging together at one place. Delhi serves to be the main airbase to land at for the visitors coming from other countries. Leh, the place of Sindhu Darshan Festival, is easily accessible from Delhi.

First day of the festival sees wide reception ceremony for the thousands of the tourists come from across the world. The reception ceremony is arranged by the joint association of different religious groups. About fifty lamas are seen performing the prayer as part of ritual on the bank of the river. Then many people and artists from different parts of the country take part in the several cultural activities. Sight- seeing tour is also organized for the visitors on the occasion.

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