May 31, 2012

Vata Pournima Festival

Vata Pournima is a Hindu festival celebrated mainly in Maharashtra state. It is the women’s festival which comes in the month of June (the month of Jyeshta according to Hindu lunar calendar) on a full moon day. The festival takes its origin from the story of the devoted wife named Savitri which is why the festival is also known as ‘Vata Savitri Pournima’. Savitri –a devoted wife follows her husband (Satyavan) even after his death and gets back his life from the clutches of the death deity (Yama). So it is said that by performing that ritualistic ‘Vrita’ the women would be wishing for their husbands’ long life.

The day would be celebrated by the married women especially. They celebrate it for the good health of their husbands. This festival is most popular in Maharashtra state. The women keep fast on the previous day and visit a nearby banyan tree (Vata tree) in groups. All those who are gathered there around the banyan tree would wrap a cotton thread around the tree and then do the ‘parikrama’ (circumambulation) for seven times. The women recite the story of Satyavan and Savitri and do puja to the banyan tree. The story is this:  Satyavan and Savitri were newlywed couple and they were told that Satyavan would be dying soon. Savitri decides to get back Satyavan’s life. Yama, the deity of death tries to dissuade her from following the dead husband. But, Savitri refuses to listen. Yama sanctions three boons to her. He grants her a son in the last boon. Savitri, then, demands her husband back since without him she could not have had a son. Pleased with her devotion Yama grants her Satyavan’s life back. She is known as ‘Sati Savitri’ in India.

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