May 19, 2012

Fair and festival in Kota, Rajasthan

Kota is a princely city of the state of Rajasthan. Rajasthan is known for its rich culture and colorful tradition. Kota offers no exception to it. Fairs and festival forms an integral part of the culture and hence the fairs and festivals celebrated in Kota serves a platform for the tourists to witness the rich and colorful culture and traditions of the people of Kota. Kota celebrates all major festival like Deepawali, Dussera, holi etc with much enthusiasm. Along with these festivals Kota hosts many other fairs and festivals with much pomp and show.

Gangaur festival is a major festival of the state of Rajasthan. The city of Kota also celebrates the festival with much fanfare. The festival is celebrated in honor of goddess Gauri the consort of lord Shiva. It is the festival of maiden and married women and starts from the following day of holi and continues for eighteen days. It is the uniqueness of the festival in different places. For example in Bikaner married women and maidens fast and prepare sweet dishes for the festival. In Jaipur 'ghewar' a sweet dish is made specially during this festival and people buy this to eat and distribute it amoung their relatives. The festival of Dussera is celebrated in Kota with great enthusiasm. On the occasion of the festival a large effigy of demon king of Ravana is set alight in the public place. The event is witnessed by thousands of people gathered on the occasion.

Chambal Adventure sport festival in Kota is annual event organized in the month of February. The festival is participated by many professional sportsmen and army men. The festival includes the sports activities like water skiing, rafting, wind surfing, etc. Thrilling performances of sportsmen leave the audience spellbound. Chambal River on the bank of which the city of Kota is situated serves as the venue of the festival.  Kota also hosts the Handicraft Mela (fair) every year in the month of December.  Beautiful tribal artifacts, handmade articles, fabrics, paintings, etc can be seen on display and for sale in the fair.

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