March 2, 2012

History of Gwalior

History of Gwalior
        Gwalior city has a rich historical and cultural heritage of its own. The city was ruled by Tomars, Pratihars, and the Kachwaha dynasty; and also by the Mughals, Marathas and the Scindiyas. 
       During the Iron Age this area was known as Gopadri. But, it was only around 7th and 8th century the formation of Gwalior city took place. Gwalior was founded by a prince belonging to the Kachwaha dynasty around 8th century. The Gwalior fort was built by the same prince Suraj Sen. Popular stories tell that the prince was cured by a sage named Gwalipa for leprosy and hence built the fort in honor of the sage. 
        Later the Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, and Marathas occupied the region. The Tomar dynasty had ruled over Gwalior in the middle ages. The Tomar king Raja Man Singh encouraged art and architecture of the region. As a result the Gujari Mahal and Man Mandir Palace were built here during that period. The Scindiyas of Gwalior were British loyalists for a period of time.  But, Scindiyas supported the Sipoy Mutiny (1857) against the British. After Independence they merged with the Indian Union. 
         The history of Gwalior is incomplete without mentioning the majestic Gwalior Fort. According to Babar, the founder of Mughal Empire in India,Gwalior Fort is the most precious gem in India.It was Suraj Pal ,the Kachawah prince who founded the Gwalior Fort in 525 AD on Gopachal mountain. This fort has witnessed the change of fortune of several dynasties.During the reign of the Great Tomar King , Man Singh(1486-1516) the fort was greatly invincible.The fort was also conquered by the Mughal emperor Babar .After the fall of Mughals ,in 1754 Scindhia (Maratha )took possession of Gwalior.

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