March 19, 2012

Fair and festival in Kullu

 Kullu is the capital of the Kullu District in Himachal Pradesh state. Kullu is known for the celebration of the festival of Dussera. Though Dussera is a national festival and is celebrated in almost each parts of the country, the celebration of it in Kullu is quite distinct from rest part of country. The festival mark mythological event of lord Rama’s killing of demon Ravana  and thus the festival is seen as the celebration of the victory of good over the evil. In Kullu Dussera is celebrated for a week and starts on Vijayadashami which comes in month of October.  Usually Vijayadashami is another name of Dussera festival and it is the last day of the celebration elsewhere in the country. Kullu has been celebrating Dussera festival since 17th century. King Jaganand had established the idol of Raghunath or lord Rama on his throne as mark of his penance. On the occasion of the festival the idol of Raghunath along with other deities of the region are taken out in the procession. First day of the festival witnesses the chariot of lord Raghunath being pulled by the large number of devotees flocked there from far and wide. During festival of Dussera many cultural programs are held in the town.

Apart from the festival of Dussera, Kullu also hosts many other festival and cultural events with great enthusiasm and zeal. Pipal Jatra, Shamsi Virshu, Sainj fair, Luhri lavi, Ani and Dashi fair are some of prominent fairs and festivals celebrated in Kullu with much pomp and show.

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