March 28, 2012

Culture of Solapur

Culture of Solapur

Solapur is the home for Marathis, Kannadigas, Andhraits and also for Gujaratis. It is the place which connects cultures of at least three States; Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The district happens to a gate way to other States. Agriculture is the main occupation of local people here. Another occupation of importance is cotton textile. Solapuri chaddars are widely known. 
       Solapur has been the land of Martyrs, and saints. A spiritual leader named Siddarama had dwelled here long time ago, around 12th century. Siddeshwara temple stands as a symbol of devotion in Solapur. The district also hosts two other nearby shrines: Tulajapura and Pandharapura. Siddeshwara is considered as a Gramadevata (deity of the Village).  So, there would be frequent visitors for the above mentioned shrines and all would make Solapur a halting point. 
      The cuisine of Solapur is somewhat similar to Maharashtrian food. The place has catered many writers, poets and singers (of Hindustani classical). Marathi is the spoken language here.

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