March 9, 2012

Culture of Pondicherry

Culture of Pondicherry

Pondicherry which has seen the long rule of the French boasts of having a distinct culture. The French rule has left their cultural legacy in the form of many buildings and churches which are marked by their European architectural style. Tamil peoples are indigenous inhabitants of Pondicherry. During the French rule many people had opted for citizenship of France. Their decedents still continue to have close ties with France. Many people in Pondicherry are bilingual and are fluent in both Tamil and French. Most of the people in Pondicherry are Hindu, while the people of other religions like Muslim and Christian are also found there. 
Cuisines of Pondicherry are also influenced by the French taste. Along with many French dishes Pondicherry also serves delicious south Indian food dishes. People of Pondicherry are also known for their beautiful handicrafts. Pondicherry is also famous for its crafts made of woods, leather, pottery crafts, and metal works. Fairs and festivals also form an integral part of culture of Pondicherry.  Along with the major national festivals like Deepawali and Dussera Pondicherry celebrates many other its regional festivals which provides the occasions where one can have the close look of vibrant culture and traditions of the people of Pondicherry. 

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