March 12, 2012

Culture of Nagpur

Culture of Nagpur

 Popularly known as the Orange city, Nagpur is a multicultural city of India.  Along with its Maharashtrian culture Nagpur has also adopted other cultures as it witnessed the heavy influx of people from various states of India making the city of Nagpur a cosmopolitan in nature and spirit. Nagpur culture boasts of having many beliefs and religions like Hindu, Muslim, Buddhism, Christian, Jain etc.  Along with Marathi the native language of Nagpur, Hindi language is also widely used by the people. 
 Dhoti and Pheta was the traditional attire of men of Nagpur, while their women folk used to don Choli and sari.  But the city of Nagpur and Maharashtra as a whole has changed with time and adopted themselves to modern style of living. Young ones of Maharashtra are passionately following the western style of dressing.  
Povada and Lavani are the folk songs and dance of Nagpur. Lavani, the fascinating folk dance form performed by women, has still retained its significance and charm in Nagpur and other parts of state of Maharashtra.  Some Bollywood films have also featured Lavani songs making it huge popular in other parts of India also.   Earlier Lavani was mainly performed in Tamasha (a folk drama of Maharashtra) which is now on the verge of extinct. But Lavani is still enthralling the people of Maharashtra. 
Nagpur has become a home to the people of different religion and region and so the city cuisine offers wide ranges of dishes. Varan-Bhat (dish of pulse and boiled rice), Kadhi (dish made from curd), Poli or Chapati and green vegetable have been its traditional cuisine.  In Nagpur Ghee is also liberally used in the food as it is supposed to be  the taste enhancer.

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