March 22, 2012

Culture of Gorakhpur

Gorakhpur Culture

            The culture of Gorakhpur is a mix of Mughal over traditional Indian culture. The influence of culture can be seen in everything from way living to dressing & eating etc. The cuisine of Gorakhpur includes fish, Kebabs (Galawati and Kakori) & meat. Rice is the staple food of the region. Other main items of food are grains like wheat, gram, maize and pulses along with curd, milk, vegetables, ghee and vegetable oils. Wood carving is an art commonly practiced for engraving designs of images of gods and goddess on the doors and sill frames. Folk music and dances are popular among the people. Especially during festival times folk songs are performed accompanied by instruments like harmonium, table / dholak and manjira. Folk dances can be seen especially during festivals or weddings. Traditionally kurta, dhoti or pajamas is worn by men but nowadays people going out for jobs wear pants and shirts. Though women wear sari and blouse, these days salwar Kameez with chunni is popular among the younger generations. Films and Television is the most popular media of entertainment. Hanging out in an amusement park is also an option available to a person for spending some quality time. Ramgarh Tal Lake spread over an area of 723 hectares is world class amusement park in Gorakhpur. The longer side of the lake is around 18 Kms in length. There are other parks in the town for the people to spend some good time and relax.    

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