February 18, 2012

History of Nasik

History of Nasik
Situated on the banks of Godavari River, Nasik is one of most prominent Hindu pilgrimage centers in India. According to mythology Nasik was the abode of Lord Rama during his period of 14 years of exile. Nasik is believed to be the same place where Laxman (brother of Lord Rama) cut the nose of Supernakha, a sister of demon Ravana and this incidence is considered to have led the place to be known as Nasik. Sita Gumpha located near Nasik serves as another reference of Ramayana. Sita Gumpha is the place form where Sita (the wife of Rama) was abducted by Ravana. 

Around the year 150 BC Nasik was believed to be the place of largest market in India. In 1487 the region came under the rule of Mughal. During the Mughal rule Nasik was known as Gulshanabad. Gulshanabad is a Persian word meaning the city of rose gardens. It was from this place that flowers of rose were sent to Aurangzeb the Mughal emperor. It was during the rule of Peshawa the city was again known as Nasik. Peshwa could not hold the region long and lost it to the British rule. Nasik under the rule of British saw many development works. in 1840 one of most modern library was found in Nasik. During the 1960’s several event occurred in Nasik. In 1862 Nasik witnessed its first railway station being built; in 1864 Nasik Municipality was established, while in the year 1869 Nasik was made separate district.

British continued to rule Nasik until the independence of India in 1947. Nasik during the British rule witnessed several social and historical events. It also became places of active national movement for the freedom of India. In December 1909 Anant Kanhere, a freedom fighter shot dead Jackson who was then deputed as the collector of Nasik. Anant Kanhere along with other people involved in the killing of Jackson was soon capture by the British and were sentenced to death. Nasik also witnessed a major social movement in the year 1930 when Dr. Babasaheb Ambedakar took out a Satyagraha for the entry of dalit people in to the Kala Ram temple. This social movement is popularly known as Kala Ram Mandir Satyagraha. After the independence of India in 1947 the city of Nasik has grown in to a big city with many industrial units and prominent institutions being situated there.

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