February 22, 2012

History of Kozhikode

 Kozhikode is a major city of Indian state of Kerala.The history of Kozhikode is long and properly recorded. From olden times there has been influx of traders and travelers. It has trade links with China, Jews, Arabs and Phoenicians. The traders from outside preferred Kozhikode (Calicut) as it provided full freedom and security to the outside traders. Ma Huang a Chinese Muslim sailor has noted that about 20 to 30 mosques were built in Calicut for the Muslim traders to pray. Kozhikode was known as the city of spices, it was a big trading market for items like black Pepper, Cardamom, other spices, Lac, Ginger, Myrobalans and Zedary. 

Many traders account has appreciated Calicut, its traders and the arrangements at Calicut. During the times of Zamorins rule before Britshers took over Kozhikode was the capital of Malabar. Vasco-da-Gama was the first European to land in Kozhikode at kappad port in May 1498. The accounts of city can be had from the recorded diaries of various travelers like Ibn Battuta from 1342 to 1347, Ma Huang of China from 1403. Abdur Razzak from 1442 – 1143.  Niccolo-de-conti from Italy after 1445. The Russian Afanasy Nikitin and other Italian trvellers like Ludovico di varthema etc. Kozhikode was once a cotton weaving center it was known for its calico cloth... In 1765 Ali Hyder the ruler of Mysore invaded Kozhikode and destroyed it. Now Kozhikode is an important business town of Karnataka. According to a study Kozhikode is the second best city in India to live in and it is eleventh in rank among other cities in job creation in India.                                                                                                      

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