February 15, 2012

History of Goa

Rock engravings found near the Kushavati River takes the history of Goa back to 6000-8000BC. Other artifacts founds there belongs to 10000BC. Much is not known about era of Goa. In 2200 BC it was inhabited by Indo Aryan after which it was Dravidian of Deccan who made Goa their home. In 3rd century Goa was part of Maurya Empire under the Buddhist ruler Ashoka. This was the time of Goa when Buddhist monks laid the foundation of Buddhism in Goa. Then afterwards Goa came under the rule of Satvahan of Kholapur which continued to rule it for four centuries. Southern Silharas of Konkan ruled Goa from 765 to 1015 as feudatories of Chaulukyas and Rashtrakutas. Over the next few centuries Goa witnessed the rule of several Kadambas as feudatories of Chaulukya of Kalyani. During this time Jainism was patronized in Goa. 

In 1312 Goa came under the rule of Delhi sultanate. But they could not hold it for long and had to lose it to Vijanagar kingdom who continued to rule Goa till 1469. Then Goa was captured by Bahmani sultans of Gulbarga only to surrender it to Adil Shahis of Bijapur who founded their auxiliary capital there. Portuguese then defeated the Bijapur Kingdom with the support of local ally Timayya. During the rule of Portuguese Goa was known as Velha Goa. Goa witnessed the long rule of Portuguese until it was annexed to Indian Republic. In 1843 the capital was changed from Velha Goa to Panjim. During this time territory under the occupation was extended to the present Goa state’s border. 

In Aug-1947 India got independence from the British. But Portuguese refused to transfer the Indian enclave of Goa. In 1961 Indian Army started their Operation Vijay that led to Goa’s freedom from Portuguese and subsequently its annexation to Indian Republic. Goa, along with Daman and Diu was union territory of India until 1987 when it was made twenty-fifth state of India.

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