February 17, 2012

Culture of Jaipur

Jaipur CultureLink

The city which once had been the capital of the royalty now is the capital city of Rajasthan. Jaipur is a culturally vibrant city. Jaipur culture is well blended with tradition and modern. Jaipur shows colors of Rajasthan culture at one hand and cosmopolitan in other.

Culture of Jaipur unfolds legacy of the royal past. It is important to know about traditions, culture and customs of the Pink city while planning to visit Jaipur. Despite conversion of Jaipur into a metropolitan one, the Royal city is still continuing with surprising traditions and customs of the old days.

As per rajasthani culture, Jaipur culture is also a blend of various tribes from ancient Indus Valley civilization to modern day settlers of post partition India. The culture is a broad spectrum adoption of habits, including habits of Bhil Forest dwellers, Jain Merchants Princes, Cultivators of Jats and Gujjar origin, Muslim Craftsmen and Aristocratic Rajput Warriors who migrated from elsewhere to settle in Rajasthan and provide their distinguished color to the local culture. All the settlers came absorbed the rajasthani legacy and provided their tan to the already mixture of various culture. People here are simple and tough and are adopted to bear the harsh climatic extremes. They wear colorful dresses and celebrate life as it comes by. The culture is best experienced during the fairs and festivals of the land.

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