December 17, 2011


Bathukamma is a festival celebrated in an honor of Goddess Gauri. The festival is mainly celebrated in Telangana region of state of Andhra Pradesh.  The festival of Bathukamma is also known as Bodemma and is mostly celebrated by the women. It comes in the month of Ashvin (Sept-Oct) and is celebrated over nine days during the time of Navratri. The festival starts with Mahalaya Amavasya and ends two days before Dussera. During the festival women are seen worshipping the goddess. You will also find them in new silk saris and adorned with jewelry. 

In Telgue Bathukamma literally means ‘Come alive mother goddess’. The goddess Gauri is worshipped in the form of Bathukamma which is nothing but the beautiful flowers of different colors arranged or rather stacked on a little-large steel plate or wooden plank with a pumpkin flower perched on the top of the stack. Women are seen arranging the various flowers, brought by their men folk, on a plate with utmost devotion to the goddess. This Bathukamma is seen worshipped by women for the next nine days and at the end of the festival the same symbolic goddess in the form of Bathukamma is immersed by women in local water body as per the custom going on for last many centuries.

During the festival women and young girls in their best attire are seen gathering in large number in local area with their Bathukamma; placing them on the ground; forming a circle of themselves around it; singing the spontaneous folk songs praising the goddess and moving their steps in synchronies while the men folk are seen looking on the amazing event unfolding. 

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